New plant protection products in the Pesticide Yardstick of CLM

The Environmental Yardstick for Pesticides has been brought up to date. It contains the plant protection products that have been lately authorized in the Netherlands. The information about risk of pesticides for bees has been complemented. Most of the new pesticides are less harmful for the environment and fit in well in integrated pest management.
What are the new plant protection products?
New fungicides as Vertisan and Treoris that can be applied in grain against rust and Fontelis in apple and pear and fruit trees against powdery mildew and black spot are now part of the Pesticide Yardstick. These plant protection products contain among other things the new active substance penthiopyrad. These fungicides have a slight environmental impact on groundwater. The environmental impact is low for aquatic life when one uses techniques to minimize drift. The pesticides are no problem for bees.
To choose the pesticide with the lowest environmental impact
Now the Pesticide Yardstick of CLM (Centre for Agriculture and Environment) has been updated it is ready to be used in the new spraying season. All the pesticides that have lately been authorized in the Netherlands by the Ctgb (Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides) have been added. Growers and advisors can compare pesticides on environmental impact for aquatic life, soil life, leaching and harmfulness to beneficial organisms such as bees. In doing so the user can choose for a plant protection product with low environmental impact.
For questions
Jeanne van Beek, CLM
+31 345 470 732